I am...  

  • a startup team culture and employee experience expert with a Scanner personality
  • co-author of Culture Up and author of To Hell with Specialisation
  • 4th employee of aviation unicorn Lilium GmbH, where I set up the communications and knowledge management strategy from scratch. Further, I implemented their company culture as an own business area and provided recruitment and HR related support, in a true start up fashion.

and I bring... 

  • B.A. in Communication Science, Organisational Pedagogy, Psychology of Knowledge at the RWTH Aachen
  • M.A. cum laude in Media Culture at the University Maastricht - teaching method of problem based learning (PBL) 
  • many years of internationalisation and team growth experience in international world-class communication agencies 

and I did...

  • build up the initial team and culture of a new Serviceplan subsidiary, Serviceplan Solutions, in Munich
  • stay abroad in Melbourne, Australia where I was online consultant for intercultural expert pools, academies and think tanks

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